Monday, October 29, 2012

This weeks vocab

*note: I just replaced the vocab suggestions with these real vocabulary words for the week. Here you go...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Debate falicies

Ad Homiem: Obama just kept attacking Romney with strong examples, and Romney basically lost that argument. It was over sending more troops to Iraq.

Vocab remix (with pictures)

flout- To scorn; mock at

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Emerson's Essay on Self Reliance Questions

           To preceve the essay, most people have their own attributes. They are all individuals. Emerson has a positive view on human nature. Looking at the entire essay, Emerson meant be self reliance when he said to believe in your own thoughts and not taking other people's thoughts. "the eye was placed where one ray should fall that it might testify of one particular ray." This quote means  that we are powerful whereever we put our attention. "The divine idea which most of us represents" means that each of us is an individual representing a whole. The reference to the Iron string in the essay shows us to trust yourself. Iron is strong and holds things together unlike gold or silk. Trancendentalism was a period where people wanted to break away from colonial literature and to do something new. "society everywhere is in conspiericy against the manhood of everyone of its members." This quote says that even though we are whole, we still take eachothers work. We should work together more and your voice is as great as the human voices in history. "Words as hard as cannonballs." Words can be strong and effective as cannonballs.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


1. Ad infinitum: To infinity; endlessly; without limit.

2. Apportion: To distribute proportionally.

3. Bona fide: Made or presented in good faith.

4. Buoyant: Tending to float in a fluid.

5. Clique: A small, exclusive group of people.

6. Concede: To acknowledge as true; to admit.

7. Congenial: Agreeable, or pleasing in nature or character.

8. Lofty: Extending high in the air; towering.

9. Migration: The process or act of migrating; moving.

10. Perceive: To become aware of.

11. Perverse: Willfully determined to counter what is expected or desired.

12. Prelude: Before an action, event or condition.

13. Rancid: Unpleasant smell or taste.

14. Rustic: Living in the country; rural.

15. Sever: To separate from the whole.

16. Sordid: Morally ignoble or base; vile.

17. Untenable: Incapable of being defended, as an argument.

18. Versatile: Capable for turning easily from one to another of various tasks.

19. Vindicate: To clear, as from an accusation.

20. Wane: To decrease in strength, intensity.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


           So on my next midterm or vocab test, I absolutely expect myself to review a lot more... i felt like I only knew about half of the words. I did do well though on the extra  credit paragraph because I used eleven vocab words which means 11 points of extra credit! Very little of this content will stick with me. :(

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Literary analysis

         PLOT: In the novel the Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, Langdon is called to give a speech at the capitol for a mason named Peter Solomon.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Note: Sara Stevens wrote this paragraph. I helped paraphrase it by finding the words that we didnt know. The words are in my jouranl. The people in my group were me, Sara Stevens, and Whitney Hough.

I went to the forest so I can live for a purpose, to face the important things in life, and see if life could teach me, so I don't die without understanding my life. I don"t want a largesse from life if I don't deserve it because life is potent, also I don't want to be contumacious, unless I have to. I don't want to live superficial and protrude from life's necessities, to not live to ascetically but live with the bare necessities and meritorious attitude, to make a wide path and cut life close, into a corner, and live on the lowest terms, and, if it proved stupid why would I get the uniqueness of it and publish that to the world; or if it was greater than anything, I would let you know about my experience, my journey. It appears most people are curious but scared of life, is it evil, blessed, sinful, or holy, I am going to figure it out on my own.

Still we live with no meaning in our lives and have no idea what our life means. We need to transcend our lives and find the errors. An exemplary man doesn't waste his time on meticulous work but just does the minimum to get by.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Vocab strategy

        The time is upon us for a vocabulary midterm on 120 words. Six weeks times 20 words equals 120 words. If I have four days to study these words, I can study thirty words each day. On thursday night, I will go over every word I studied throughout the week just to refresh my memory. Besides vocabulary, we also have to memorize a poem by wednesday. I have almost half memorized so if I memorize for about 30 minutes each day, I should be on track.