Tuesday, October 9, 2012


1. Ad infinitum: To infinity; endlessly; without limit.

2. Apportion: To distribute proportionally.

3. Bona fide: Made or presented in good faith.

4. Buoyant: Tending to float in a fluid.

5. Clique: A small, exclusive group of people.

6. Concede: To acknowledge as true; to admit.

7. Congenial: Agreeable, or pleasing in nature or character.

8. Lofty: Extending high in the air; towering.

9. Migration: The process or act of migrating; moving.

10. Perceive: To become aware of.

11. Perverse: Willfully determined to counter what is expected or desired.

12. Prelude: Before an action, event or condition.

13. Rancid: Unpleasant smell or taste.

14. Rustic: Living in the country; rural.

15. Sever: To separate from the whole.

16. Sordid: Morally ignoble or base; vile.

17. Untenable: Incapable of being defended, as an argument.

18. Versatile: Capable for turning easily from one to another of various tasks.

19. Vindicate: To clear, as from an accusation.

20. Wane: To decrease in strength, intensity.

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