Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Theme for English B questions

I don't think i am the person my teachers think I am. I am quiet in some classes so my teachers think I don't talk that much. I work the hardest in swimming, but not quite as much in school. I still work hard though! As I find my place in the world, I can be myself. I mean, who else would I be? I don't feel compelled to keep anything private. I'm an open person and you can talk to me about anything. In classes like math and chemistry, I rely on other people to teach me and tell me what to do, but in this class, English, I can take control of my own learning. There are so many opportunities I can take advantage of and learn something new. Today, just before writing this blog post, I read an article about Missy Franklin that Dr. Preston posted and I found it to be quite interesting. I learned something new and it wasn't an assignment to read. I truely believe that students can take control of their own learning!

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