Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocab Words

1. Approbation: The expression of favorable opinion.

2. Innuendo: A hint; indirect suggestion or reference

3. Coalition: A combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose

4. Elicit: To draw forth, bring out from some source

5. Hiatus: A gap, opening or break.

6. Assuage: To make easier or milder, relieve, satisfy

7. Decadence: Decline, decay, or deterioration.

8. Expostulate: To attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning.

9. Jaded: Wearied, worn out, dulled.

10. Simulate: To make a pretense of, imitate, to show the outer signs of emotions they might never have felt in life

11. Umbrage: Shadow cast by trees; offense resentment

12. Prerogative: A special right or privilege

13. Lurid: Causing shock, horror or revulsion.

14. Transcend: To rise above or beyond, exceed

15. Provincial: Pertaining to an outlying area; local

16. Petulant: Peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated.

17. Unctuous: Excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression

18. Meritorious:Worthy, deserving recognition and praise

19. Hackneyed: Used so often as to lack originality

20. Intercede: To plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party

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